Shared pink bikes

Fast & affordable way around central Tallinn

Register in a minute and for free in our Rekola app

Rekola bikesharing - česká růžová sdílená kola
QR code

Scan a QR code and the bike
will unlock automatically

How does it work?
Rekola bike

Try our service for free
using code Tallinn


Return bikes in area
around wider city center

Where exactly?

Join 550k people from Czechia, Slovakia & now Estonia

❝ I often plan my route from work to include a Rekola bike,
as 15-20 minutes of cycling is enough to clear my head.
❝ Especially the customer service is prompt and top notch, thank you for offering such good service guys!
I never biked much, not until I dicovered Rekola. I love the idea of easy travelling through the town in a healthy and efficient way!

How we're thinking about Tallinn?

European cities are changing

Cars and asphalt ruled the cities. But that is starting to shift. People want to take their public space back. Spend time in it, not run away from it as fast as possible. Because of the dangers, pollution, or noise. They don't want to waste their lives waiting in endless traffic, enclosed in a metal box, separated from everything else. They just want to quickly go where they need to. Alone or together. And actually enjoy it.

We exist to help with that change

Especially when we see a city with a big appetite for change. Like Bratislava. And now Tallinn. Providing shared bikes is our way to play a part. For us, bikesharing is more than just a bunch of bikes and an app. It's a different way to experience the city. It's a community of people sharing similar values. It's a platform that can help with education, shape important conversations, and provide data about what the real behaviors and needs are.

We complement similar transportation

Our goals are the same. We all provide sustainable transportation alternatives. Especially for short journeys. We see from other cities that mechanical bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters are not rivals, but options to choose from for different people. In Prague and Bratislava, we formed a group with other micromobility providers to work with the city more efficiently. Consulting infrastructure, parking, or providing help on routes during tram track works.

We always start small and gradually grow

That's how we originated. We started as a community project in 2013 that wanted to bring shared bikes to Prague, Czechia. And we slowly grew into a regular company with thousands of bikes and millions of rides. We learned to offer affordable pilot operations so other small Czech cities could get a taste of the benefits of bikesharing. For a few months or all year round. We repeated that in 2020 again with Bratislava, Slovakia. Starting there, on our own, with just a few hundred bikes. Partnering with a local cycling community. We wanted to find the right fit, gain trust, and help shape the change. And we did.

We'd love to try that again here, in Tallinn.

Get Rekola app and start riding!

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